Tuesday, October 23, 2007

the leaning tower of pizzastop

How's this for a cool shot? The above pic is taken from the south portion of Metrostop, looking east. From this angle, you can see the wide open space that will be used for socializing, lounging, sculpture viewing, and drinking bottle after bottle of vino at the future home of Amelia's bistro. You can also see the slanted upper portion of the building that is currently being put together with metal framing. Not sure what's going to cover this area.

Below you can see another shot of the south end, the rounded end. Most of the slider windows have been put in, and most of the brick work is finished as well:

Here's a closer look at the slanted southeast portion:

And this is the middle of the facade along Jackson Street. This empty portion is where floor to ceiling glass will be installed. Very cool. Also not very common in Hoboken, which lends a sense of uniqueness to the area. Those middle units are going to be sweet.

Here is a closeup of the brick being used. I've read many comments from people who've noted that the brick being used on this project is much darker and redder than on the initial rendering. I happen to agree, however in certain light, they do cast a lighter tone. At the end of the day it looks pretty good though:

Here's a first level door that was installed a few weeks ago along Jackson Street. Looks to be a service entrance?

Here's the north end - the gray end, covered mostly in grey tone brick. My partner is obsessed with this side of the building, and wishes they had covered the entire building in this color. He feels there is too much red brick in this area of town, and we could have used something a little more modern. To each his own...

The construction crew is hard at work framing the condos inside. They really have picked up speed these last few weeks. And they've really lucked out with the great weather we've been having. Here's to hoping they get all those windows installed before the weather turns cold. Otherwise those upper floors are going to turn into one giant freezing cold wind tunnel!

Enjoy the day today everyone, before it rains later on...


Anonymous said...

Cool shots. Do you know when the completion of the building will be?

Anonymous said...

June '08 is expected completion and we have been told numerous times that they are on/ahead of schedule. Believe it when I move in. . . .