Sunday, June 24, 2007

velocity hoboken auction today - paddles up!

Today's the day. The Velocity Hoboken auction is here. Good luck to everyone planning on getting in on the action. If any of you have juicy details, stories of success, stories of sadness, or anything in between, please post your comments, or email me with your intriguing tales...

And in case you need that extra dose of good luck today, scroll down for a few more charms:

And here's a vintage picture of Stevie Nicks:

Because just in case the auction delivers hell in a hand basket, Stevie will always be there to make you feel better. She is a sorcerer after all.

The auction starts at 1pm today at the Hyatt in Jersey City. Just stuff $10,000 in your pocket and show up - that's all the qualification necessary! Oh, if by any chance you need a reminder as to what Velocity Hoboken is, just click here for my first hand report:

velocity hoboken open house - actually 40 open houses

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone on NewYorksSixth said that the auction wasn't all that successful and they cut it off early after only 9 units/